Gareth Southgate

So the Euros have started and I’ll be watching all three games today.  That’s two good reasons for doing this inknse portrait of Gareth Southgate – it’s based on a source photo that I’ve had sitting around for a while, unsure of which medium to paint it in.

I started with a Charles Reid-style contour drawing.  Then I shaded it in with pencils.  Today I started by only using charcoal grey, then later shaded other colours over the top to give the darks a bit of a tint.  And finally I painted over it with water.
It all feels a bit rushed to me (even this post).  I can’t even list the colours I used, apart from them being blues, reds and my usual leaf green.  This one’s a failure.  Although there are some good lines in the clothes, the likeness isn’t there.  In fact it looks more like Danny Dyer.  I won’t be putting this one in the shop window.

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