Category: Oil pastels

Yaugher Lane, Queendown Warren

We’re getting close to that time of year when the oil pastels start melting in my hands and become unusable so, with today being a lot colder...

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I asked the iPad again for a painting idea and it suggested I paint a figure in oil pastels, so that's what I've done today.  This is Katlyn,...

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The Man That Mildred Married

After a day off I was back today with the oil pastels.  For a subject I picked out comedy actor Brian Murphy. As usual I put down a pencil outline...

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Ronnie Wood

After John Lydon went so well the other day, I thought I'd have another go with the oil pastels.  And because John came out looking old and battle...

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John Lydon In Oil Pastel

It was a tough call over who to paint today.  ChatGPT wasn't able to come up with any celebrities I'd ever heard of whose birthday it was today....

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I was feeling watercoloured out today and in the mood for a different medium, so went for the oil pastels.  I wanted to draw a portrait and was...

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B. B. King

Today's not a day for watercolours.  I tend to do watercolours in bursts of 2-4 successive days and with yesterday being a charcoal day and...

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I warning the mood for an oil pastel landscape today and spent ages looking through loads of photos on my iPad before deciding that all of them...

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Ancient Sorceries

I fancied giving the oil pastels another go today.  It feels like too long since I came up with a decent oil pastel painting.  I looked through my...

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I Can Read Your Mind

So I had the first chance in a while to do some undisturbed painting in the studio.  Well I say that but in reality I only started at 2pm and had...

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Looking At You

So here it is.  I've finally gotten around to using the second of the shelves I helped myself to when the in laws threw out that old fridge.  The...

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An England XI

So now I have a complete England XI.  Properly balanced too: two opening batsmen, a wicket keeper and a five man bowling attack that includes two...

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Chalk Face, Queendown Warren

I've been waiting a while for today to come round.  The weather forecast was for the warmest day of the year so far and I've been itching to head...

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Candle In Oil Pastel

I'm not in the mood at the moment to take my time and come up with perfect paintings.  I'm feeling loose and energetic and wanting to rattle off...

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Steps Up From The Street, Hartlip

The World Cup is over and there's only four days to go to Christmas.  It's hard not to switch to wind down mode and watch Westerns all day but I do...

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Jos Buttler

Look, I'm still in the mood for cricket portraits and with England due to play Pakistan in the World T20 Final on Sunday morning, I thought I'd...

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It's been a while but the weather today was just right for oil pastels.  No rain, warm enough to paint outside, not so hot that the pastels melt....

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Stonehenge III

I fancied having a go with the oil pastels today as it's been a while.  It's still too hot for them outside, so I was painting indoors.  To be...

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