Category: Markers

Charlie Cheswick

And finally we have Charlie Cheswick, played by Sydney Lassick. This was the portrait I've been most looking forward to doing. Seeing this photo...

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Dale Harding

Nearly there now. Number seven in the collection is Dale Harding, played by William Redfield. A decent enough likeness but quite a boring...

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Bruce Frederickson

Next in the queue for meds at Nurse Ratched's booth is Bruce Frederickson, played by Vincent Schiavelli. He doesn't say or do much in the film but...

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Chief Bromden

I don't normally do this but I've done a third marker painting in a day. This is The Chief, played by Will Sampson. He seemed the character most...

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Fourth up is Martini (I can't find his first name) played by Danny DeVito. This film is just packed with names. I've done Martini in purple just...

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Billy Bibbit

Number three in the collection is Billy Bibbit, played by Brad Dourif. I've used the green marker here, reflecting Billy's innocence. Likeness...

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Max Taber

Next up is Max Taber, played by Christopher Lloyd. Probably the scariest of all the patients in the film, like an unexploded bomb. It was a no...

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Randle McMurphy

Another big collection of marker portraits on the way. This time it's eight patients from One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, one of the greatest...

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The Persuaders! Collection

And here they are together, The Persuaders!  Lord Brett Sinclair works better as one of a pair than he did on his own. I'd start with The...

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Lord Brett Sinclair

And here's my second marker portrait of the day, Lord Brett Sinclair played by Sir Roger Moore. Just like Danny Wilde, he's in monotone greys but...

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Danny Wilde

I didn't know what I wanted to do today so asked my iPad for ideas.  It suggested that I do a portrait using markers.  If I do a portrait with the...

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Paul With Markers

I've been out most of the day but came back to see some Facebook banter from old Christ's boy Paul wondering whether he could get me to send him...

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The Dragons Den Collection

And here it is: the complete collection of dragons. As expected, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.  These look great and the...

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Don't tell me that you didn't see this one coming.  On this week's Dragons Den there will be a sixth dragon and six is a much better number for a...

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Are You On TikTok?

And here's the fifth dragon in the den, Steven Bartlett.  He's been given the flesh colour scheme, with the layers being putty, then soft peach,...

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Reyt Oop My Street

The next dragon on the seat is Sara Davies.  For a first layer I used bright orange, then henna, then cool grey 5.  I was looking for an...

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Touker Time!

Today's dragon is Touker Suleyman, a big favourite of mine. He's been given the grey colour scheme with cold grey 1, cold grey 4 and black.  The...

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