Category: Space

13 September 1999

After yesterday's news that I won't be wildcard ing it at LAOTY and the arrival of two new Artgraf colours, today was ways going to be an Artgraf...

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Doctor Zachary Smith

Sometimes I receive messages and I just have to act on them. I had the telly to myself last night and managed to find a 1960 episode of The...

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The Planets

So here they are all together, The Planets series of paintings.  Eat your heart out, Gustav Holst. This, I should add, is a series of paintings...

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Flatter To Deceive

I've finally gotten around to completing my Planets collection with a portrait of Earth.  I don't know why this has taken so long because I've had...

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I really do need to finish my collection of planet paintings at some point so I'm back on the case today with Saturn.  For a while my plan had been...

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The Corbomite Manouver Collection

And here they are, all together.  Spock, Kirk and Scotty.  None of them brilliant individual paintings but as a set of three I think they look...

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First Officer Spock

I know I said I might not end up completing the Corbomite Manouver Collection but after putting Kirk and Scotty alongside each other I could see...

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Venus And The Petrova Line

I'm back on the planets again and today it's Venus.  It took me a long time to come up with an idea about how to make a painting of Venus a bit...

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Captain James Tiberius Kirk

Today I had a go at the second in The Corbomite Manouver collection.  Today it's Captain Kirk, painted using the Shire supergranulators, befitting...

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Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott

Sometimes great ideas come into my head on my daily walks.  Today was one of those days.  Earlier this year I put together The Good The Bad and the...

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After a bit of a break, I'm back on the planets again.  Today it's Uranus.  All eight planets revolve around the sun in roughly the same plane and...

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Today's planet is Mercury, sharing its name with the messenger of the Roman gods and therefore deserving of a pair or wings.  For the three colours...

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The Face Of Mars

Another day, another planet.  My latest idea for planet paintings (to go with the ideas of random surrealness and Roman gods) is to think about...

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This is the second in my series of paintings of the planets and today it's Neptune.  There was a question on University Challenge the other week...

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Jupiter And Io

Seventeen days since my last watercolour and I'm finally back.  The idea for this one popped into my head while out on my walk yesterday.  I've no...

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He Knows, Doctor, He Knows

I'd had a couple of requests to paint a Star Trek scene and this is what I came up with.  It's based on a shot near the end of The City At The Edge...

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Freebird Nebula

I'm waiting patiently for three different yellows to be delivered (raw sienna plus two two new ones - watch this space) so thought I'd have a go at...

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It Started As The Helix Nebula

22 August 2018 I was still left with one empty picture frame and was wondering what to do with it.  Then I had a great idea.  I was going to pay a...

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Random Nebula

2 July 2018 Oh, this was a really good one.  It started out based on one particular nebula (I can't remember which one - sorry) but ended up...

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