Category: Gear

Site Clearance

After some long manic days, managed to clear a site for my art studio to be built on.  It's a huge relief to reach this stage as the company...

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The 2023 Colour Palette

This week I've been thinking about the colours in my watercolour palette.  My 2022 palette included three Daniel Smith primatek colours as special...

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Supergranulator Swatching

For my second and final set of swatches today, I turned to the supergranulators.  Now being the owner of three sets of Schmincke supergranulators,...

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Artgraf Swatching

It's a new year and I want to be out painting as soon as possible so that I can get a set of paintings worth including in an entry to Landscape...

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Christmas Art Stash 2022

Happy holidays everyone! I thought I'd put up here all the new art gear I've been gifted today as it's a bit of a sneak preview of what to expect...

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Supergranulating Swatches

Before having my first go with the shire supergranulators, I thought I'd swatch both of my supergranulating sets.  This is in the back of an old...

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Polychromos Swatching

So I've done a huge swatch of those Polychromos coloured pencils and here it is.  They look good.  Even the cobalt green and rose carmine will end...

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Birthday Stash 2/4: Fineliners

Next up are these fineliner pens, complete with pen case and extra smooth watercolour paper to use them on.  The case is big enough to also fit the...

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Third Stone From The Sun

It was too hot yesterday to be outside painting.  So I spent the day indoors watching YouTube videos of people swatching the colours from the super...

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Inktense Purple Mix Testing

As I explain in the next post, I wanted to test out what sort of purples I could get from mixing the reds and blues in my inktense pencils.  Here's...

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The 18-Colour 2022 Palette

My second job was to load up the Mijello palette that I got for Christmas.  It roughly follows colour wheel order but I've been careful to save the...

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Testing Out New Colours

It didn’t look too cold outside today so I was out of excuses.  It was time to get outside with the watercolours and start painting again.  But...

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Christmas Stash

As life slowly reverts back to (the new) normal, it's time for me to show off what new art gear I got for Christmas. First up is a Meeden...

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Oil Pastels!

It's my birthday and the front page headline on stash news is that I’m going to be trying out oil pastels.  The wife bought me a set of 24...

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