Category: Blog

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Damn You All To Hell!

Now this is a landscape that's been on my to do list for a while. It's the closing scene from the original Planet Of The Apes film back in...

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Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin

There was a certain man in Russia long ago. He was big, he was strong, in his eyes a flaming glow. Most people looked at him with terror and with...

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And we’re live!

A lot of this is similar to what came before. But will this new website platform make anything better for the visitors? Well: – The blog itself...

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2023: Year Of The Portrait

So that was 2023.  I think I can safely say 2023 was the year of the portrait. After reading the Bill Maughan book in March, something clicked big...

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Upchurch Art Exhibition 2023

This year's Upchurch art exhibition takes place at St Mary's Church between Friday 17th and Sunday 19th November (11am to 4pm, 10 to 4, 10 to 1)...

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The Wishlist

No time to do any painting today but with an empty thirty minutes window going begging, I thought I'd create this post. These are the 24 art books...

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No painting going on at the moment as there's a new patio going down.  I could get access to the studio if I wanted to but don't fancy painting in...

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I've set myself up on Threads today.  Here's a link to me.  I was intending to post up most of my artwork to date there but only managed to get...

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Tidying Up The Shop Windows

I've not done any painting for a while, although obviously the weather's had a lot to do with this.  I've not been completely idle, though, and...

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New Year, New Look

I've had a play around and come up with a new look to the website for 2021.  Any good?

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A Date For The Diary

Wednesday 3rd February, 8pm, Sky Arts.  That's when I'll be appearing as a wildcard.  Best make sure you can access Sky Arts before then.

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I’m on Instagram!

A friend who's a full time artist told me the other day that I really needed to set up an Instagram account and put loads of hashtags against my...

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Welcome To The Artistic Actuary

Welcome to The Artistic Actuary. I am The Artistic Actuary.  An actuary who paints a few watercolours and has even managed to sell some of them....

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