Year: 2023

Stuart Broad

I don't want to spend more time talking about this one than I have to, so let's get on with it.  It's another cricketer portrait.  I needed two...

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Supergranulator Swatching

For my second and final set of swatches today, I turned to the supergranulators.  Now being the owner of three sets of Schmincke supergranulators,...

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Artgraf Swatching

It's a new year and I want to be out painting as soon as possible so that I can get a set of paintings worth including in an entry to Landscape...

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Graham Thorpe

I've been in action with coloured pencils again.  This one took me three days.  It let me use some of the ideas that I picked up from the Karen...

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The Old Bridge, Latheronwheel

After reading those two books and coming up with this painting, I think I may finally have "got" coloured pencils.  It's all about adding multiple...

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