Month: June 2023

Egyptian Sorcery

Just a quick one today.  I had that one crackle pasted board still waiting to be used and wanted to cross it off my list so here goes. I started...

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Duane Allman

I've been tearing through the artwork this week and thought I'd take a break, so spent most of the day out in the studio catching up on the novel...

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The H1 2023 Artistic Actuary Poll

Right, I've built up enough material to put out another poll on which of my paintings people people like.  As usual, it only takes a couple of...

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Ancient Sorceries

I fancied giving the oil pastels another go today.  It feels like too long since I came up with a decent oil pastel painting.  I looked through my...

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I Can Read Your Mind

So I had the first chance in a while to do some undisturbed painting in the studio.  Well I say that but in reality I only started at 2pm and had...

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