Welcome To The Artistic Actuary

Welcome to The Artistic Actuary.

I am The Artistic Actuary.  An actuary who paints a few watercolours and has even managed to sell some of them.  Lots of people out there know who I am but I guess some of you don’t.  Well, I’m not going to tell you who I am.  That way I might get more honest feedback.  And if you ask around in the office whether anybody knows who The Artistic Actuary is, it spreads the news and gets me more viewers.

People keep asking me whether I have my own art website.  I’ve decided to finally bite the bullet & write an art blog where people can see all my creations & get into arguments with each other in the comments sections about whether the artwork is any good.

So why not add The Artistic Actuary to your favourites or if, like me, you use Feedly, add me to the list of websites that the app monitors for updates?

<Edit: As of 15 September 2023 I’m no longer a Certified Actuary or Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries, having resigned from the profession a year after retiring.  I’ll still be calling myself the Artistic Actuary, though, actuary not being a protected term.>

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