I'm taking a day off from painting, so here's a post with some swatching. I…

Website Tinkering
I’m still on my year end painting hiatus but that’s not going to stop me posting.
Individual posts on this website of artworks that are up for sale don’t mention prices. The idea is that people can click on the link in the menu at the top of every blog page to get to my shop window pages that show off everything I have up for sale. If I ever want to change prices, I can just change the prices on these pages, most of which just have a single price at the top of the page and loads of paintings underneath. Much quicker than editing every single blog entry for paintings being repriced.
But this system wasn’t that user friendly. I get people emailing me asking for prices of paintings, so either they don’t see that link at the top of the page or they see it, try it and don’t have the appetite to click on the medium and the subject and then scroll through loads of painting to check the one they’re interested in is on the page that they’ve finally reached.
So I’ve made some changes today. Every blog post for a painting that’s currently up for sale has been edited and now includes a link to the shop window page on which that painting appears and that in most cases that page will have the price at the top of the page – there are a few exceptions where individual works on a shop window page have different prices. Hopefully this will make it easier for people to see prices and will eventually result in more sales. After all, there’s no bigger turn off than seeing stuff for sale with no price and being expected to ask someone how much it costs.
It feels good to have made this change and also to have an excuse to put up a mid-hiatus post to reassure everyone that this blog hasn’t been abandoned. It all took a while though: it’s past midnight now and I’m about to turn in. Maybe tomorrow I can relax a bit.
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