After a couple of days off I'm back in action today. Ā But with a family…

I’m taking it a bit easy today, just going for a quick figure painting with the inktense pencils. I swear I must take almost as long choosing a subject and pose as I do painting but I eventually settled on this pose by VNixie. Ā My choice was restricted by me wanting to paint someone I’d never painted before but I did find a pose that I liked.
After the success of Michael, Hot And ColdĀ back in March, I thought I’d try something similar but this time, influenced partly by the source photo, I went for cool colours above the waist and warm below. Ā I started with indigo in the darkest areas everywhere and supplemented this with iris blue, teal green and a teeny bit of field green in the cool areas and Shiraz, fuchsia, poppy red and a teeny bit of chilli red in the warm areas. Ā The hair started with indigo but I added in all the warm and cool colours as I used them. Ā And that’s about all there is to say.
Overall, yes it’s not bad and worthy of a place in the shop window. To see the price, click here.Ā The red cheeks draw the eye and there are a couple of good lost edges on the right arm. Ā If I wanted to be hypercritical, though, the hair feels a bit detached, the neck a bit too monotone and the transition between warm and cool colours a bit too sudden.
Anyway, that’s me done for the day. Ā Feet up and reading a book now.
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