
23 May 2018

This is based on an establishing shot in Unforgiven, a Clint Eastwood Western from 1992.  I’ve got a lot of Westerns in my DVD collection and this is my favourite.

The colours in this one give it a good dusky feel.  The pinky, bluey grey in the foreground and the hazy looking cabin have a big say in this.  I like the shape of the tree but I can’t claim credit for that – the filmmakers chose this location.  If I could change anything, I’d add a bit of blue to the foliage in the tree to make it blend in a bit more with the rest of the painting but that’s being picky.  Oh, and rather than the tree being painted on top of the sky, I painted the tree trunks first with masking fluid, then did the sky, then removed the masking fluid and finally painted in the tree.  It does look better this way.

This is a painting that I’ve sold.  It’s in the hands of a private collector based out in Saudi Arabia.

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