Under The Desk II

Look, I’m allowed to change my mind, OK?  Yesterday’s portrait grew on me and Monday tends to be a short day, so I thought I’d continue with the markers for now and finish the collection before doing a watercolour portrait.  It helped that I got a comment on LinkedIn saying that it was recognisably me but a little scary.  Likeness and a story?  That makes yesterday’s portrait a success.

So I continued on today.  This time it’s a red theme, with the three main colours being red, orange and pink.  I went for red today in the dark areas rather than black and it looks as if that’s worked.  As well as my main three colours, I used the odd grey and flesh colour later, just to bring things back down a bit.
Not much more to say today really.  I’m looking forward to finishing the collection and seeing what they look like together.  I’m planning on doing bit/ the remaining market portraits tomorrow but we’ll see.

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