Two Self Portraits

All these portraits I’ve been rattling out with markers and I only just realised that I’ve not done any self portraits with the markers yet.  Time to rectify that!

So I’ve had a go at self portraits this morning.  With the first, I drew out the head with my eye on the subject and not looking at the paper, just like they tell you to do in the books.  And I ended up with a portrait that didn’t fit on the paper.

Oh well.  Time to have another go.  This time, I planned things better and managed to get the whole head in.

Looking at the two of them, I guess there’s some likeness but they look a bit too much like caricatures rather than portraits.  Maybe I’m drawing them too quickly.  On the other hand, the eyes are good in both of them and the ear and nose are good in the second.  Maybe there’s some hope there.  I’ll see what people have to say when it goes up on Facebook.

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