And here's today's third effort, a different view from the same bench. The drawing feels…

Tidying Up The Shop Windows
I’ve not done any painting for a while, although obviously the weather’s had a lot to do with this. Ā I’ve not been completely idle, though, and have done a bit more work on the website. Ā This time I’ve been looking at the pages of artwork that I have up for sale. Ā I’ve done two things:
– I’ve removed a number of works that, while they might have deserved to be up there at one time, were now looking out of place among better works. Ā As well as removing them from the for sale pages, I’ve amended their individual blog posts, removing any references to them being up for sale and removing their for sale search labels.
– I’ve reordered the works on the two longest for sale pages : the 8×12 inch paintings and the inktense pencil figure drawings. Ā In both cases, the paintings were presented in an order that was fairly random except that the better works tended to appear near the top and the worst ones near the bottom. Ā They’re now in a more sensible looking order. Ā The 8×12 paintings are grouped into subject matter themes and the figure drawings are roughly ordered by colour scheme.
Looking through the for sale pages, I feel better than I did a few days ago. Ā They feel a lot more like an exhibition or an Argos catalogue and less like Woolworths in the final days.
Anyway, it’s all sorted now and I’m back to painting tomorrow, weather permitting.
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