About a week ago, when I painted Garrow Farm in coloured pencils, I discovered the…

Third Court Room, Christ’s College
Back to Christ’s College tidy for another indoor landscape. This is a room in Third Court, probably in Y staircase. My third year room was in W staircase, just like this one but a mirror image. Looking towards the mantelpiece, the windows would have been on the right rather than the left, looming out over the Fellows’ Garden. The views from my room that year were amazing. The door in the top right here (top left in my room) is to a wardrobe; the door to the room is in the bottom right on the same wall.
For colours I picked my green triple glazing scheme, so a first layer of transparent yellow, a second of cerulean blue and a third of French ultramarine. There’s some white gouache there too, on the arm of the chair in the bottom left corner that I painted over in yellow by mistake, even painting over the masking fluid cross that was there to remind me not to paint over it.
It’s come out OK, this one. Not one of my very best but a solid seven out of ten. It sold quickly, though, to a fellow Christ’s alumnus.
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