
Still pouring with rain outside: I think I might be done with watercolour and oil pastel until the new year. Ā So it’s more figure drawing today and it’s a new model, Thea.

The source photo had a lot of dark, shadowy areas, so I started with some quite thick shading in bark in those areas. Ā Then I put some willow pencils in the slightly lighter shadowy areas. Ā And then I got to the Ā usual point when I fancied putting in some colour, so I added sea blue to the right facing edges, fuchsia to left facing edges and leaf green wherever else I fancied some colour. Ā This included going over some edges in sea blue and fuchsia lines and adding all three colours to the shadows. Ā Here’s what I ended up with:
I admit the pencils do look a lot heavier than optimal on this one. Ā I can already sense this won’t be a masterpiece. Ā Anyway, the next step was to add the water following my usual rules: detail with the small brush first, try to make strokes follow curves, brush light coloured pencil marks into dark rather than the other way round. Ā And this is what I ended up with:
I wasn’t happy with this. Ā There wasn’t enough contrast between the dark and light values. Ā And in those dark areas the bark is dominated by fuchsia and sea blue. Ā So I took what for me is a very rare third step of adding a second coat of inks. Ā It didn’t feel right to add more bark to darken the shadows, so I reached for the indigo, which is a dark colour that fits better with the other colours.
The final painting is at the top of the post. Ā The indigo has improved the painting but still feels like an outsider. Ā Maybe if I’d started with indigo rather than bark, everything would have hung together better. There are some other problems with this though. Ā The shadow area in the bottom left is too big. Ā With the inktense pencils, I need to avoid big, monotone, dark shadowy areas like this. Ā Just lighten them up. Ā Save the big monotone dark areas for the markers where they really add something. Ā And obviously the hand isn’t great. Ā So not a success, this one, and it’s not going up for sale.

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