The Return Of Thea

It’s been sixteen days since my last bit of artwork.  Sorry about that.  I’ve been playing some correspondence chess, watching the T20 cricket and reading an especially long John Irving novel that I wanted to finish.  So I’m a bit out of practice and am expecting to serve up a clunker.

This is Thea, making her second appearance, and once again not being given full justice.  The pencil colours today were deep indigo, chilli red and leaf green.  I started with the indigo because there were some really dark shadows in my source photo that I wanted to capture.  I had ideas about this being mainly a chiaroscuro work, with indigo being the star and other colours being mere herbs.  It didn’t go that way, with more green and red in there than I was originally intending.  I tried to bring out the chiaroscuro effect more by wetting the indigo first and not letting go other colours bleed into it.  This was a big mistake and there are too many really hard edges on some of the indigo shapes.
But there are some great shapes and curves in this one.  Thea’s going up for sale.

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