The Q1 2019 Poll

I thought it was about time I checked out public opinions on the pile of artwork that I had sitting around waiting to either be framed or put to one side for practising in the back of.  I put forward all 29 paintings from Derek’s Dinner to Once Upon A Time In The West inclusive and respondents were asked to vote for up to ten of them.  The 29 paintings in scope included some absolute clunkers but I was finding it difficult to spot where to draw the line between paintings to include in and exclude from the survey – there was no big gap that I could see to separate the two groups.

Anyway, 22 people responded with votes and that’s enough for me to understand the lie of the land.  This time round the survey came up with few surprises.  Winter Roots did disappointingly badly.  I’m guessing it doesn’t look as good on the small screen as it does in real life.  On the other hand, Grand Teton National Park came out higher than I expected – after two surveys, it’s becoming clear that conventional landscapes are more popular with voters than I think they’re going to be.  And the biggest shock to me was that every painting got at least one vote.  Even My Darling Clementine and Path To The Lake.  Whatever were people thinking?

Anyway, thanks to everyone that voted.  This is really useful to me in deciding what to do with these paintings later in the year.

One thought on “The Q1 2019 Poll

  1. It's an appealing lineup of creations. As I've said elsewhere, Once Upon a Time in the West is my favourite. And I'd say The Day Ends, Springfield, Virginia is my second favourite.

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