I'm back on the planets again and today it's Venus. It took me a long…

The Planets
So here they are all together, The Planets series of paintings. Eat your heart out, Gustav Holst.
This, I should add, is a series of paintings rather than a collection. There’s a difference. These are eight paintings created to shine individually and not to form a collection whose merits exceeds the sum of its parts. That’s why any of these that are up for sale are priced individually, rather than everything being put up for sale as a set.
The quality of these is a bit up and down. Mars and Uranus are my favourites and Venus and Saturn look like clunkers. And Mercury was quite popular on my social media pages.
Here are links to the eight individual planets:
– Mercury
– Venus
– Earth
– Mars
– Jupiter
– Saturn
– Uranus
– Neptune
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