And here's the United Underworld collection all together. Catwoman maybe looks a little weak but,…

The Penguin
The Penguin! Pompous waddling master of foul play, maestro of a million ubiquitous umbrellas!
We’re off on another collection of marker portraits and first up is The Penguin, as played by Burgess Meredith in the 1960s. My original plan was for the four in this collection to all be monotones: one in black and white. One in red, black and pink, one in blues and black, one in greens and black. But after getting started on The Penguin, I decided that he’d look better if I added in the purple of his hat and bow tie. Somehow a black and white painting with a single non–neutral colour added looks good and emphasises the quality of my black and white work (which could be a good or a bad thing but was good this time).
I’m more than happy to kick off the collection with this one. The Penguin’s not up for sale on his own but will be up for sale as part of the United Underworld collection.
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