The Former George Inn, Newington

Next up in this series of posterised paintings is one on the green colour scheme, with layers of transparent yellow, cerulean blue and French ultramarine. As subject matter I picked out a Tudor style building in the A2. A bit of research revealed that it’s a former pub and that it used to be hunted. More details here.

Anyway, today I was back to using a grid and careful measurements to get down my starting pencil outline. The sky was added the end, mainly in the two blues but with a little of the yellow in there too, to create a bit of harmony. I deliberately made the sky darkest next to the lightest building. One thing I did differently today was to remove the masking fluid earlier, just after the cerulean blue layer. Doing this encourages me to search more for a “likeness” when adding the final layer. And even after doing that last layer, I tinkered by adding more cerulean blue in places to the light areas and more French ultramarine to darken some of the darker areas. And I added and dabbed off some watery yellows and greens in places where I thought the white highlights were a bit too garish. And that was me done.

Just like many others in this collection, it’s the accuracy of the drawing that’s my only issue with this one. I like the colours and the mood that they set. I think these nine paintings are going to look great together, even if I see them as a series of individual works rather than a collection that belongs together. This one didn’t sell at the August garden party, so is now up for sale while on display in the restaurant at the Rose & Crown in Hartlip.

To see the price, click here.

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