The End Of Summer Poll

By the end of the Summer I’d ended up with 15 paintings that I was proud enough of to frame.  I was starting to think about selling them later in the year and has this grand idea about making the prices dependent on how good the paintings were.  I had ideas in my head about which ones belonged in the top, middle or bottom baskets but I thought I’d better do some market research.

So I set up a survey on Facebook.  People were invited to vote for up to five paintings.
Here are the results.  They’re nothing like what I expected.  Only four people voted for the Random Nebula but eleven voted for Down T’Mill!  I obviously know nothing.  And now that the paintings are selling (eight sold at time of writing) I’m finding that what people actually buy doesn’t match up to what either I think is good or the survey thinks is good.  It’s impossible to predict people’s tastes.

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