Summer 2022 Poll Results

I messed up slightly with this poll.  About half the paintings in it were of naked figures and I think this is why 26 of the first 40 people to click on the link closed it without voting.  Polls For Pages only allows me to see the results from those first 40 people (unless I wanted to fork out £39 for this survey or £76 for as many surveys as I want in the next twelve months) so the survey’s effectively closed after 14 people have voted.  And I’m one of those 14.  Maybe next time I need to warn people first or have the nudes as a separate question, with the option to just skip them.  Anyway, what’s done is done.  Here are the results.

First, these paintings didn’t get any votes:

I didn’t vote for any of these, so I can’t complain that nobody else did.

Then these paintings all got one vote:

Not sure about the top left but the votes for all the other nudes were mine.  The coloured pencil nudes with their less revealing back views seem to be just as unpopular as the more revealing inktense pencil paintings.  Still, both are great fun and make a change from landscapes.  There’s also only the one vote for each of the two oil pastel paintings in the survey and one of those isn’t even a naked figure.

On to the two vote paintings.  These all got at least one vote that wasn’t from me.
Those four nudes are the only ones that anyone else voted for (unless it was someone else that voted for the oil pastel one in the last set).  Some dash and splashes starting to appear here, so they’re more popular than the figure paintings.  Two of the conventional landscapes (top right and second top left) seem to stand out as superior to the rest when shrunk down like this.  But the real thing jumping out from these is the greenness of everything.  That’s more about what I’ve been doing this year than it is about the survey results.  But it’s still a surprise.  I’ve never thought of my paintings as being particularly green but there you go.
Three votes for all of these:

A strange set of results, with three landscapes and two dash & splashes scoring more highly than some of their cousins in the previous set that I thought were better.  But the main message here is that there are at least two people who like my coloured pencil portraits – I need to do more of these during the winter.

Four votes for these.  Four votes doesn’t normally count as giddy heights but with just 14 visible voters, it’s feeling that way today.

These are looking better than the last set.  One of the things that catches my eye about them is the moody looking skies.  Looking back up the page at other paintings, this seems to be a theme that’s been coming through during 2022.  It’s not only when I’m using the tundra or shire supergranulators either – I’ve been putting weird colours in the sky when I’ve been using my conventional watercolours.  Again, nothing to do with survey results.  And, on a separate subject, interesting to see the most abstract painting in the survey scoring so highly.

Then we have five votes these three:

Three paintings with hills in them, two of Black Rock Cottage and two in tundra colours.  There are messages there.  I’m already wondering whether I should do a third painting of the cottage at some point using shire colours.  It wouldn’t look very Scottish but might be interesting.  The skies are worthy of attention again.  Even the one in the top left, with its more conventional colours, looks decent.   While I’ve been experimenting with crazy sky colours, my sky painting generally may well have improved.

And finally, a big jump from five votes to nine for this one:

Any, you know what?  I’m not surprised this one came out in top.  It’s the sort of painting that always does well in these polls.  Colours not too adventurous.  Idyllic, chocolate boxy scene.  My favourite bits are actually the hanging baskets, the purples in the nearest white wall, the shadows across the road and the car in the bottom corner.  Lots to like about this one and it is now up on the wall inside that cottage.

People are, of course, welcome to keep voting in this poll or any previous polls.  Remember theSummer 2022 poll is effectively closed as I’ve exceeded my Polls For Pages limit.  Here are the links to all of them:

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