It's all very well putting together a collection of marker drawings of the Rose And…

Still More Charlie, Dobbie And Mia
Had another attempt at Charlie, Dobbie and Mia.
I’m getting pretty good at Charlie on the left and it’s tending to look like the same portrait over and over again. Ā The red and blue touches look good on him.
Dobbie in the middle has lots of green flourishes as usual. Ā Today I ended up with his left ear, left eye and some shadows on the left of his face running together. Ā It’s an interesting Charles Reid-like effect but I’ve done better Dobbies than this.
Mia, of course, continues to frustrate. Ā The purple/red/orange colours might be the best I’ve found for her so far.
This one’s Ok. Ā It’s definitely getting there. Ā I’m going to have one more go at these dogs, probably tomorrow. Ā In tomorrow’s I’m planning:
– to try to not make Dobbie’s head so much bigger than the other two
– to use black rather than charcoal grey in the darkest bits
– to avoid the impressionistic colours in Mia’s muzzle. Ā Maybe make it white with some very light greys. Ā Depending how this goes, I may tone down the impressionistic colours on the rest of Mia’s head too.
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