Another Newington landscape tidy and once again it's using the Notanizer app. Today it's Mings…

Station Road, Newington
And here’s the last of my series of nine posterised paintings of Newington. It’s based on a really old photo of Station Road, probably predating the station and with the road going under a different name. But the horse drawn cart in the photo ended up looking like a modern truck, so we’ve ended up with some kind of mashup.
Talking of mashups, this was painted in the climate change colour scheme. So there are tundra colours on the left, Shire colours in the middle and desert colours on the right. The first layer has tundra pink, Shire yellow, Shire green, Shire olive, desert yellow and desert orange. The second layer is tundra blue, Shire blue and desert brown. And the third layer is tundra violet, Shire grey and desert grey. The sky was added at the end, wet into wet, blended from tundra into Shire into desert and with some dabbing with kitchen paper.
When I put down the first layer, I tried to blend the three colour schemes into each other, with Shire sharing the pavements with tundra on the left and desert on the right. But the divisions between the three colour schemes looked too stark, so I later dry brushed tundra and desert colours into the road in an attempt to smooth out the transitions.
My final painting still has some all too obvious transitions But these are mainly on either side of the tree at the back and things are much smoother near the front. And there are loads of great mini paintings here if you crop things down. I like the sky, the road, the houses on the left and the houses on the right. These elements are all good enough individually for this to be a pretty decent painting. It’s one of the better ones in this series and was indeed sold at the Newington garden party. To someone who lives in one of the houses on the left.
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