Snow In The Mountains

And here’s the second snowy painting of the day.

Brought to you by the colours cobalt blue, quinacridone magenta, raw sienna and burnt umber.  I’m pretty sure there was no Payne’s grey on this one.

I’m happy enough with it. The sky is good.  So are the mountains in the background – not too heavy on the paint.  The foreground I’m less happy with.  I wanted to use the two earth colours to show a bit of foliage through the snow but the colours look as if they don’t belong there.  As if they’re notes in the wrong key.  Maybe if I’d left more white showing in the foreground it would have been better.  Or just stopped before applying the earth colours, even if the scene would have ended up looking a bit empty.  Only good bit about the foliage is how well the quinacridone magenta sits with the two earth colours, adding a bit of fire.

Still, this one has been framed and is up for sale.

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