And here are the four of them together. Back in my uni days, Statistical Physics…

Satyendra Nath Bose
The latest physicist in the series. This is Satyendra Nath Bose. The man who bosons are named after. And I guess a few sets of headphones too.
After that terrible Bernardine Evaristo this morning, I was relieved when this one came out looking so good. Considering this guy had dark skins and a complete lack of facial lines, I feel I’ve gone way past expectations on this one.
It looked a bit weird at one point with the left side of the face in shadow. I found that darkening the background on the right helped bring it back from a bad place. The lighter side of his face is now against the darker background and vice versa.
All of these old physicists are being done from black and white photos by the way, so any clothes colours are entirely my responsibility.
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