I'm going to try out something new this morning. I'm going to start with a…

Sam Allardyce
I’m still in too much of a rush today. After that Gareth Southgate disaster, I thought I’d move on to Big Sam. At least I know from drawing him on a bit of scrap paper a few weeks ago I can get some sort of likeness.
Again, this was all about the Charles Reid contour drawing, then the shading, then the wetting. I still can’t remember all the colours (leaf green, purple, some blues, some reds) but I can tell you I went straight for colours this time rather than repeating that experiment of starting with charcoal grey then tinting it.
The likeness is there but not as good a likeness as the one I got on scrap paper. But there are some problems. One is the excessive amount of purple in Sam’s face; the other is the unimaginative monotone clothes he’s wearing. No, make that three – that hair is horrible, looking too much like ugly pencil scribbles.
This is another for the bin. I need to be much more disciplined about taking my time over paintings when I have other things to do later in the day.
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