After all that fun with the markers, I thought I really should get back to…

And here’s another naked female figure. This is Rhus, another model from
I took a different approach with this one. This time, I got all the lines and masses down before adding any water – I wanted a bit more control. Then, still thinking about control (which I really shouldn’t be), I had another idea. The only issue with JenB was the darks being too similar on opposite sides of the body where I’d not been careful enough with my brush. This time, to avoid that problem and, also, to not mix the colours too much, I didn’t bother with the brushes and instead just dabbed and lightly massaged the pencil marks with a wet bit of kitchen paper, being careful to start with a clean area of the paper each time. Then I used the paper to sweep contour lines along the paper, again being careful to use clean areas of paper each time. This wiping with the paper does seem to have added a bit of mass to the breasts, stomach and left thigh, which is good. Also good is the outline of the right breast against the hair (deliberate on my part). But the hair itself is just a background shape and lacks texture.
Still, it’s up for sale. To see the price, click here.
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