I've been out most of the day but came back to see some Facebook banter…

Reyt Oop My Street
The next dragon on the seat is Sara Davies. For a first layer I used bright orange, then henna, then cool grey 5. I was looking for an orange/brown look to this one but the orange came out really pink today and I’ve no idea why.
I think it was because of all this pink that the white highlights looked a bit too stark. I deviated from my three colour plan by going over the white bits with almond and the blender in an attempt to calm them down.
Just as with all the other paintings in this collection I tinkered a little at the end trying to get my shapes closer to those recommended by the app. One thing I’m noticing in making these changes is that I have a tendency in my fist set of marks to make the outside of people’s cheeks chubbier and jowlier than they should be. But at least with darker colours in the background this is easy to correct.
Deborah Meaden is still my favourite in this set. Sara would have looked much better had my orange marker actually given me some orange shapes.
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