Randle McMurphy

Another big collection of marker portraits on the way. This time it’s eight patients from One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, one of the greatest films of all time. I started off intending to do a watercolour or two but there was one particular character whose image in one colour posterised form looked amazing but also looked as if it might need the control and accuracy of markers, and that set me off in this direction. Because these eight portraits will all be posterised and will all use only the one colour each. I’m looking forward so much to these portraits. If I do two a day they’ll take me four days but I may well end up pigging out on three or four a day.

Anyway first up is Randle McMurphy, played by Jack Nicholson in what turned out to be an Oscar winning performance. I don’t have my colours planned but decided to kick off with indigo blue. While not a perfect likeness, it’s clear who this is meant to be. And this one shouldn’t be judged in isolation: it’s part of a collection which should be judged as a single work. Decent enough start though.

The complete collection can be seen here.

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