Private James Frazer

Today’s addition to the set is Frazer, played by John Laurie, another actor born in the 19th century.
After I found a picture of hin in his undertaker gear, there was never any question of Frazer being given any guest colours, so he’s only here in black, greys and a couple of flesh tones.  This is my second attempt – I abandoned the first after screwing up and putting black over part of his left ear.
I’ve got some personality coming through in this one.  Not as much of the defeatist, doomed, attitude but the funereal gear and the pale flesh tones give this one a ghostly, Addams Family style look.  With all that story coming through, I’m happy that the likeness is close enough for this zone to be worth a place in the collection.  Without any of that fluffy stuff, I’d be less happy with the likeness.
Just two to go now, although I need some new pens to be delivered before I can start properly.

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