Back to the markers and it's time to start on a new series of portraits.…

Private James Frazer
Today’s addition to the set is Frazer, played by John Laurie, another actor born in the 19th century.
After I found a picture of hin in his undertaker gear, there was never any question of Frazer being given any guest colours, so he’s only here in black, greys and a couple of flesh tones. Ā This is my second attempt ā I abandoned the first after screwing up and putting black over part of his left ear.
I’ve got some personality coming through in this one. Ā Not as much of the defeatist, doomed, attitude but the funereal gear and the pale flesh tones give this one a ghostly, Addams Family style look. Ā With all that story coming through, I’m happy that the likeness is close enough for this zone to be worth a place in the collection. Ā Without any of that fluffy stuff, I’d be less happy with the likeness.
Just two to go now, although I need some new pens to be delivered before I can start properly.
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