So, AA, when are we going to see what you're doing with that painting of…

Some more gear arrived in the this this morning, so I’m taking a day off painting to prepare some surfaces for future paintings. Ā I have here:
ā an old fridge shelf, from the same fridge that the shelf came from for I Am The Eye In The Sky. Ā Most of it has been painted over with Daniel Smith watercolour ground, but leaving a conspicuously empty space in the corner. Ā I think we can all see where this one’s going.
ā the same applies to the last perspex window pane from the playhouse that used to be where the studio now sits. Ā Daniel Smith watercolour ground with a big hole in it.
ā and then there are three cheap canvas boards from The Works. Ā These have been sitting around a while waiting to be crackle pasted and painted on. Ā I’ve finally gotten around to it now, covering them all in titanium white Golden crackle paste and half burying an old satsuma bag in one of them.
That’s all for today folks.
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