Portrait Artist Of The Year 2024 Entry

I’ve entered for Portrait Artist Of The Year again but this year I’m going for it as a watercolourist.

I’ve included these three paintings in my entry.  There’s a thin line between consistency and variety and I think these three walk that line perfectly:

– the consistency is in how my focus is on getting the values right rather than the colours.  If the values are right then the likeness is there, so why not just have fun with the colours?

– the variety is there in the colours: a set of supergranulators, a simple yellow/red/blue three layer scheme and something more multicoloured but also with some colours that border on looking fleshy.

Now let’s just wait and see.

3 thoughts on “Portrait Artist Of The Year 2024 Entry

  1. I’ll be interested to hear whether you get in. A friend has done LAOTY as a wildcard and wants me to apply with her this year. I’m happy painting plein air but think id be terrified of making a fool of myself if i was anything other than a wild card!!!

  2. I’m going to go for it. Just need to figure out what to submit. Consistency of style is a problem for me though. I haven’t been painting long and I’m not convinced any of my paintings are obviously by the same hand.

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