And then there's all this other stuff: - a backpack big enough to fit the…

Planning Is Everything
No painting for me today. Instead, I’m going to be spending the afternoon planning paintings to do over the next few days. I’ve had a stroll around the village looking for inspiration and ended up with these 23 potential ideas (do bear in mind that what makes a good photo is definitely not the same thing as what makes a good painting). The next step is for me to pick out some of these and turn them into plans.
So I’ll be:
– working out which ones have the most interesting shapes in them
– working out whether there are any rogue trees/cars/whatever that the painting would be better off without
– thinking about how to crop them so the centre of interest is at one of the four hotspots
– making sure there’s a nice entry into the picture leading to the centre of interest and nothing dragging the viewer out of the painting
– drawing in the shapes and planning the values and finally the colours
– thinking about whether I could try out Frank Webb’s push-pull or patch against patch ideas.
It feels like I’m about to take a big step forward. Watch this space!.
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