I wasn’t very good at painting and not that committed to improving. I would have…

Pathside Sheep
But I wasn’t any good. I came up with countless clunkers that have long since been used for practice on the back and then thrown away. The painting here, though, was OK. It actually started off as some random doodling on a separate piece of paper while I was doing another painting but ended up being better than the one I was trying to do properly.
I like the hills in the foreground in this one, with all sorts of colour going on. The trees just behind the hill are good too. But the sky isn’t great with those three dark stripes. And the back of the closest hills is too monotone in a British racing green sort of way. Back in the day, I used to put sheep in all of my paintings & I don’t think they’re out of place here.
This painting was framed and gifted to my parents. Rather than leave it to be given to charity after my parents’ deaths, I took this one back home with me. As my first half decent painting, it has definite sentimental value.
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