Colourful Sky

This was based on a photo of the Aurora Borealis where the lights were all in green.  I didn't manage to get the greens right and the sky looks...

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First Gesso

Today's painting follows hot on the heels of yesterday's, mainly because I spread a load of gesso on a watercolour sheet to dry overnight.  It's my...

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SIAS Newsletter November 2018

And here's another one.  This is called SIAS Newsletter November 2018 after the email that included the stock photo this was based on.  It's getting...

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Flowers In Alexandria

My first attempt at an impressionistic flower after reading that Jean Haines book and I think it’s a decent start.  I could still be looser - the...

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My Darling Clementine

Back to a favourite theme and it's another Ditko/Western mashup. It's based on an iconic Wyatt Earp pose in My Darling Clementine (1946), leaning...

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New books

I've got some new books to be making my way through over the next few weeks. Maybe some early signs of what to expect in 2019.

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Derek’s Dinner

The 2019 collection has started early! This one's called Derek's Dinner after I got the idea from a friend who posted a picture of some sort of...

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The Palette

At some point, every artist with a blog needs to disclose what paints he has in his palette.  Artists like to read articles like this just for the...

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It Started As The Helix Nebula

22 August 2018 I was still left with one empty picture frame and was wondering what to do with it.  Then I had a great idea.  I was going to pay a...

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The End Of Summer Poll

By the end of the Summer I'd ended up with 15 paintings that I was proud enough of to frame.  I was starting to think about selling them later in...

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Jesse James

15 August 2018 Here's a companion piece to go with The Searchers.  It's based on a scene from The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert...

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The Searchers

1 August 2018 Looking at feedback so far, people seemed to like paintings of outer space or Westerns or paintings with people in them.  So I...

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Ugly Forest Path

30 July 2018 This was based on a picture on a birthday card.  It was a good choice of subject material.  But, as you can see, the execution was...

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Down T’Mill

16 July 2018 After Stock LinkedIn Photo With Bike Replaced With Dog got such a great reception on Facebook I thought I'd have another go at...

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Random Nebula

2 July 2018 Oh, this was a really good one.  It started out based on one particular nebula (I can't remember which one - sorry) but ended up...

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29 June 2018 And now a genuine abstract.  What can I say about this one?  I separated the paper out into sections using masking tape.  It made the...

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Hadrian’s Wall

25 June 2018 I'd had some feedback that I was good at painting trees, so thought I'd better look for a good tree to paint.  A bit of googling of...

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