I might have only awarded that Emily Ball book one palette but it has got…

Ah, Oddjob. Played by Harold Sakata in Goldfinger, he was always going to be in this collection once I’d moved on to henchmen.
Once again, I picked a shot with huge expanses of black in it – it’s so much easier to do these drawings once all that black is down. I make no real effort to distinguish separate black shapes within the black. I’d let the shapes blend into each other in watercolour, so why not do the same here? But, on the other hand, I do try to follow contours in the direction I make the marks. It’s like cutting the grass at Wembley. And this has made the black sleeve look good – you just know that there are creases in there.
I’m back to using impressionistic colours within the skin tones (rose pink, lime green and blue pearl) and they all look great here. But just when blue pearl is beginning to become my favourite colour, the marker’s run out and I don’t have a spare, which is a pain.
The likeness is better here but not perfect. The nose should be a bit wider and the line of the mouth should be sloping more down to the right. Look closely and you can see where I’ve tried to correct this by adding more black.
I’m wondering whether it was the right move to put everything from my source photo into the car windows. Could this have been more interesting if I’d just coloured the car windows in a single colour like orange? Probably keeping the wing mirror as it is though. We’ll never know.
I do like this one, even if the black sleeve is claiming centre stage as the star. It’s not going up for sale as an individual drawing but is being added to the Bond villains collection.
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