Noel Fielding

When I heard in Friday that Noel Fielding was going to be this week’s model for Portrait Artist Of The Week, I knew I had to have a go.  Not because I’m any great fan of his work but just because he makes such a good subject.

I decided on Friday that he’d be getting a black background and a black top, with no distinction between hair, top and background apart from the odd dark blue highlight in the hair.  That seems to have worked well.

One other thing I’ve done differently this week is to work from live moving pictures rather than a still.  I had too many wifi problems with the iPad this morning.  With a different model, this could have caused me big problems but with a model like Noel, it’s just a minor inconvenience and it was good experience,

This is my best PAOTW entry by far.  I’ve got the likeness, some personality, my own style and some quirkiness with all the black.  It’s up for sale.

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