Mrs Emma Peel

It was always going to happen.  Steed needed a partner.  I decided to go for Mrs Peel, a character that was sure to make a great painting.

After using two of my favourite three tundra colours yesterday, I made the other one the star today: tundra violet.  And I decided that one layer of paint would be enough.  But I couldn’t resist dropping the other four tundra colours in wet into wet for a bit of variety.  Just like yesterday, I worked quickly, using the masking fluid to aid rapid painting and rewetting anything that looked like it might be drying too quickly.
I weighed down ridged cardboard again while the painting dried.  The texture’s come out pretty unevenly today, which I quite like.  It’s good to have variety in colours and texture when only a single layer of paint is being applied.
I’m calling this one another success.  There’s a lot of white space there on the paper but I think this makes things more interesting.  Mrs Peel is up for sale but as part of a two painting collection with Steed.

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