Another watercolour today. I wanted to have another go with the desert supergranulators supplemented with…

Mount Rushmore
Now this is more like it! A painting on an experimental surface that worked. The faces were all torn out of the Mail On Sunday dated 11 August 2019 (next door let me have their paper). I wanted it to be people that I could identify (not just members of the public) and I was choosy about the size of the heads and the direction they were looking. In the end I finished up with, from left to right Harry Maguire (Man Utd but that’s just unfortunate), Ed Sheehan (he was in Game Of Thrones, you know), Rachel Riley (from Countdown) and Andrew Bailey (announced as new Governor of the Bank Of England, 20 December 2019). I glued the faces onto card and painted over with watercolour ground, as before. I had two problems with the preparation. First there’s an ugly bit above Ed’s head where there’s some rogue glue. And second I found the ink on the newspaper leaked a bit into the ground as I was painting it on, making the background a bit dirty looking before I started painting. Maybe if I do something similar to this again I should tear stuff out of the TV guide instead.
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