All my figure drawing so far has been of naked females and there are a…

Michael Penn
The second of my six YouTube subject areas is maths. This is Michael Penn who does maths videos. He seems to be a pure mathematician, into number theory and abstract algebra. Not subjects that interested me at Uni but good for a brain workout on YouTube forty-odd years later. And he does spread the maths around: he does plenty of videos on integration and on differential equations that are much more up my street.
I picked a side view of Michael’s face as he has a very distinctive profile, with a touch of the Alexander Armstrongs to it. I’m still enjoying drawing these in monotone but switched from the greys to the blues for this one. I might have some more colourful portraits in the collection, but we’ll see. Michael’s top was originally the same dark blue as the background with no visible edge but the portrait was looking too much like a stamp, so I brought in the black for his upper body.
Another success, this one. I’ve caught Michael in one of those moments when he stops for a couple of seconds to take a breath. This one’s up for sale but is Michael’s for free if he wants it. To see the price, click here.
And that feels like a good place to stop.
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