MB Farms, Stockbury

After drawing the pub, I wandered up the road to MB Farms, Stockbury’s village shop and the closest shop to those of us in Hartlip. Ā MB Farms boasts a fantastic award winning butchers, where you’ll find Clive Anderson behind the counter. Ā A lot of the frontage of the shop is black wooden boards and I quite fancied going to town with the colours rather than painting on a dull, dark neutral colour.

I started off with this drawing:
It’s a pretty poor drawing in my part. Ā It was badly planned, with the bottom of the doorway missing (if I was going to focus on the doorway, why didnā€™t I go for portrait format?). Ā And there’s something wrong with the perspective. Ā The tapering brick shape to the left of the door looks like the wall of the shop (which it is) but itā€™s opposite shape on the right looks like it’s sticking out. Ā A poor effort.
The computer picked me out these three colours:
With a warm red and a violet and a yellow from the opposite side of the colour wheel, this is a complementary colour scheme. Ā I’d normally be quite happy with this but the door of the shop and the sign above it are green and there’s no way I can get a green from these three colours. Ā Still, yellow ochre makes for a good brick colour and violet should be a good substitute for a shiny black, so there was some hope.
I ended up with a decent sky and brickwork and passable woodwork. Ā It’s such a shame I couldn’t make any greens. Ā This would have been a very different painting if I’d been given a yellow rather than either the blue or the violet. Ā But in the end this has to go down as a flop. Ā I did well with the colours I was given but the initial drawing was poor and I really needed some green.

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