All my figure drawing so far has been of naked females and there are a…

Most of the colour today is indigo. Ā I didn’t fancy going 100% monotone so brought in some bright blue in places on the body and the thing she’s sitting on. Ā And you can see I’ve used violet in the shadows, which was a mistake.
After my first attempt, I did two sets of touch ups. Ā The first was on the foot, which was the wrong shape. Ā The second was on the shadow, which was looking too square.
The end result is OK. Ā While there’s too much purple in the shadow and the Ā hands and feet aren’t perfect, the head and face works, even if it’s maybe a bit too small. Ā The hair is particularly good but it’s a shame this is something that will probably only work with these pencils and not with watercolour or markers. Ā The curves in the shape of her right arm look good too.
Maxine is up for sale. To see the price, click here.
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