All my figure drawing so far has been of naked females and there are a…

Inktense pencils are just too much fun to draw with, so here’s another. It’s a debut for Margaret. I’ve cropped her so I get no hands or feet.
You can see that colour-wise I’ve gone back to purple. I’ve not touched the indigo though – I’m a bit indigoed out this week to be honest. Also in the are fuchsia, chilli red, leaf green and mustard. Mustard looks like a good yellow for these figure drawings – nowhere near as garish as the other two yellows in my set. I put a lot of colour on this one but was careful to add it all lightly. I’m also finding myself pencilling one colour on top of another before wetting them both at the same time.
This is another one to be proud of. The colours are great and there’s a good missing edge in her back. The face (that was supposed to be cropped out but is still there) doesn’t look like Margaret but it’s not as if all of you out there know who Margaret is; the main thing is that the face is passable. Worst bit about this one? The purple edging, especially around the right breast – this particular bit of purple edging was a late addition as the breast didn’t look quite right without it.
Margaret is up for sale. To see the price, click here.
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