My Jackson’s order finally made it through yesterday so I was almost ready to start…

Looking For Source Material For Charcoal
I’m still not painting today. I want my next piece of art to be charcoal based after reading the Kate Boucher book. I don’t even want to read another art book before I’ve had a chance to put some of Kate’s ideas into practice. And I can’t get started until I’ve got all my charcoal gear together and swatched colours. And getting all my gear together doesn’t just mean waiting for a delivery to arrive – I’m also planning in heading to the shops and maybe adding another four colours to my set of charcoal pencils. Maybe even a brush to clear charcoal specs from the paper. Or even more paper with a different texture. But before I hit the shops I want to check out the paper and pencil case that I’ve ordered, so I’m still in limbo.
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