Look Over Yonder

I’m still on the watercolours today but not in the mood to work long and hard at a painting. Ā Maybe it’s because The Ashes are on; maybe it’s because I quite fancy doing some reading and making sure I donā€™t get to my birthday on Sunday in the middle of a novel with a load of new books there to tempt me. Ā Whatever the reason, I decided that today was a day for an imaginary landscape.

Colour-wise, there were some colours that needed an outing for various reasons. Ā I still have tubes of light red and cobalt blue in my tub despite neither of them being part of my first choice palette. Ā I had tubes of Winsor red and burnt sienna that were almost empty and just begging to be finished and thrown away. Ā And Winsor blue green shade, raw sienna and viridian were all feeling a bit underused. Ā So I went for all seven of those colours, along with titanium white for some texture. Ā With a cool and a middle blue, three warm reds, a cool yellow and a green, this painting is in the key of green warm.
I worked from top to bottom with no particular plan in mind. Ā First up was the sky with cobalt blue on the left and Winsor blue green shade on the right. Ā I greyed things out in places with Winsor red and then dabbed paint off above the grey bit to create clouds. Ā The mountains started off pretty randomly with all seven colours. Ā In a second layer I sharpened all the edges against the sky. Ā Then I added a thin glaze of raw sienna all over it to unify it and dropped in other colours wet into wet wherever I thought the painting needed it. Ā It was probably at this stage that I started making the mountains more shaowwy on the right facing sides.
The foreground hills have a lot more layers of paint. Ā The greys that come from mixing blues with raw sienna had a big role to play here, but I also dropped the green and the reds in in places. Ā At one point the two hills had very different colours and one of the reasons I put on so many layers was because I needed them to harmonise more with each other. Ā I also painted on and dabbed off some watery titanium white to create some texture there. Ā And that was me done.
And this isn’t too bad. Ā The sky is good. Ā It feels like my first blue sky in a while and those two blues worked out well. Ā The mountains are banging, with an amazing shade of orange, a lot of granulation and some great orange/green clashes. Ā And I like the foreground hills, with their texture and colours. Ā But do the three planes go together though? Ā I think the sky goes well with the mountains but that the foreground hills seem to belong in a different painting. Ā Or am I being too harsh?
Whatever this painting’s merits in my own eyes, it’s going up for sale. To see the price, click here.

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