Landscape Artist Of The Year Dates

Work continues on the art studio.  An electrician is out there at the moment, sorting the fuse box, light switches, mains sockets and internal and external lighting.  The air conditioning is being fitted on Wednesday and after that I might actually start using the studio and doing some painting, even if there are still blinds to be fitted and the studio still to be connected to the mains.

But I need to keep this blog going, so I’m going to share some news.  I didn’t make it on to Portrait Artist Of The Year and didn’t make it into a pod for Landscape Artist.  I have applied, though, to be a wildcard again, for the heat at Hever Castle on 21st June.
The production company are being much more free and easy about publicising the heats and inviting spectators along, as you can see from the post above.  As far as I’m concerned, spectators are more than welcome – anyone who doesn’t like the attention shouldn’t be painting plein air to be honest.  So do come along to watch the heats if you fancy an interesting day out.  Just be aware that for the Hever Castle heats (and maybe Dunnottar Castle?) you’ll have to pay to get into the grounds and that the Buckler’s Hard date is a semifinal, so won’t have a group of wildcards for you to banter with (and that will be more interesting than staring at the pods).
The sad news, though, is that the choice of first round of heat venues means that the colourful corner team from Blackpool won’t be painting together.  All being well, I’ll be in Kent and I expect Daniel will be in Liverpool and Fiona in Aberdeenshire, with Lisa having a choice between the latter two.  I’ll be watching out for them all on the telly though.  Good luck guys!

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