Landscape Artist Of The Year 2022

I’ve entered Landscape Artist Of The Year again.
For my main landscape submission, I chose Hartlip Church In The Snow.
I was allowed to submit a second landscape and a third painting that doesn’t need to be a landscape.  From memory, I think I went for Glean a’Chroin and I Am The Eye InThe Sky.
So three very different paintings.  I could have picked three similar paintings (and I suspect the judges like that) but that wouldn’t reflect my diverse style.
Just as in previous years, I provided a link to this blog, so if you’re one of the judges reading this, hello!  Feel free to click on the links in this post to find out more about the paintings I submitted.
In other news, I’m aware that I’ve not posted anything here for a couple of weeks.  Don’t worry: more artwork will follow soon.  It’s just that I’m currently having to spend a lot of time teaching myself machine learning networks and programming in Python.  Call it the day job.

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